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A. Sang, S. J. Pathaks, and L. W. K. 1977 and Pearce, P. L. 1982Needs based motivation theories imply the idea of enjoyment travelers opting for destination and break type in accordance examination their options examination fulfill needs and needs eventually achieving an equilibrium when needs are met. These theories are based upon the hierarchical needs theory of Maslow 1954 and Murray’s category of human needs 1938. However, needs based strategies only show exam help “wide kind of various needs” Kay, 2003 motivating humans examination travel and commute related activities, but are not advantageous exam expect behaviour. Moreover, the usefulness of Malsow’s hierarchy within the field of vacationer motivation is controversial due exam its normal and, for tourism functions, incomplete nature as well as for its hierarchical architecture, which “can’t be examined empirically as there’s no way examination degree precisely how satisfied one need is before a higher better need turns into operative” Kay, 2003, exam help shortcoming even remarked by Maslow himself 1954.
